Friday, July 1, 2011

Sci Lesson 1/7

Today, we were given all our online lessons worksheets at once. We were also taught how to draw an object's ray into the person's eyes and some "fast and efficient" methods. Today's lesson was very fun and engaging at the last, as our class made jokes while we draw the diagram. I really hope this kind of light mood would carry on forever, as it can help us to forget all our assignments and burden.
As always, the teacher's instruction was clear and straight. After looking at the online worksheets and resources provided, I think that the link provided was very useful. This would help us to complete the assignment and learnt from it rather that unable to complete a difficult worksheet and learning nothing out of it.
After second lesson on "reflection", i find this topic rather easy to grasp, just a ruler and a pencil and we could draw rays and surface etc.

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