Friday, July 15, 2011

Sci Lesson 15/7

Today, we went through some online lesson worksheets and also practical worksheets. Even though today was just going through of worksheets, nonetheless, I have learnt and gained some new knowledge. Today was the day I finally cleared my doubt of how to draw reflected rays on a concave and convex mirror. Originally, I thought the tangent was for nothing and the normal is to be drawn according to another tangent parallel to my paper. However, if this were to happen, it would be no difference from the plane mirror !!! (I learnt it today, haha)
I also learnt what to do if the question was phrased in that particular way. I learnt this in the online lessons worksheet, where i do not understand the worksheet's questions. However, after going through, I learnt what to do and could apply this in future questions.
Today's lesson was pretty straightforward, just going through of worksheets. However, this type of lesson is necessary, especially near the exams, so as to get us into the "exam mood".

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