Monday, July 18, 2011

Sci Lesson 18/7

Today, we went through the online worksheet 3 and abit of Refraction. The science online worksheet 3 is actually a very good paper for us to revise, as it comprises alot of questions that requires drawing, which I am weak in. I am weak particularly in understanding the question, and knowing where to draw the rays. Thus, after going through the worksheets and seeing the diagram, i finally cleared some of my doubts.
Before this lesson, I left most of the drawing questions blank as I have no idea what were the questions asking for. During the lesson, I follow along the teacher and got roughly what the question was asking for. However, today's lesson was not able to clear all my doubts as I am very bad in multi-tasking. Therefore, I suggest the teacher letting us copy the drawings before explaining rather than letting us copy while she explain, which is very confusing and we might missed out some of the important points. Nonetheless, I am glad for today's lesson as I managed to grasp what were expected and a few common mistakes while drawing before we move on. However, there is still some doubt that I had no time to clarify, such as when do we know if we were supposed to draw reflected or incident ray, and probably drawings on convex/concave mirrors instead. That's all for today, I have to go revise now, or if there's time, i would clarify with the teacher tomorrow.

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