Monday, July 25, 2011

Sci Lesson 25/7

Today, we went through the practical that we did last lesson. As I had spent my time last lesson clarifying my doubts, I paid double attention to today's lesson as we go through the practical. However, as I had already done my online lessons worksheets, the practical today was actually just a recap of what I had learnt. Below are a few things that I had learnt and recap today:

When light travels from a less dense medium to a more dense medium, the ray of light is refracted towards the normal. However, when light travels from a denser medium to a less dense medium, the ray of light is refracted away from the normal.

The angles of incidence, refraction are both zero when a light ray enters perpendicularly to a medium with parallel surfaces.

Conditions for incident ray to be parallel to emergent ray:
The surface which the light ray enters is parallel to the surface which the light ray exits and
the light ray enters and exits from the same pair of media.

The critical angle is when the angle of refraction in the optically less dense medium is 90 degrees, and the angle of incidence in the optically denser medium is the critical angle.

Total internal reflection occurs when the angle of incidence is greater that the critical angle and the incident ray is in the optically denser medium.

Today's lesson was more of a recap for me, and I find it efficient too, as I could learnt and remind myself some of the facts. It was truly a lesson in the right time, as the test is just next week, and a lesson for me to recap is very important.

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