Friday, July 22, 2011

Sci Lesson 22/7

Today, we went to the lab lesson to carry out our experiment on refraction. However, I had decided to use this time to clear my doubts instead, since all the necessary equipment is already present in the lab. Thus, I spent the whole of today's lesson clearing my doubts and it was a really nice feeling when I finally understand some of the concepts.
I had asked the teacher for an example of critical angle, how to realise when is it total internal reflection and not refraction, and also the reflective index. All these doubts were present when I was actually doing the online lesson worksheet, and today I had finally find this suitable time to ask.
My friends also cleared some of their doubt, and I was dumbfounded by the questions they asked too, such as the drawing of light rays if there were two objects together etc. I had also learned from their questions too. I find today's lesson very enriching, in the sense that I had cleared my doubts. Although I did not really do the practical worksheets for this lesson, I'm sure I could finish them at home after I had clarify my doubts.

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