Monday, July 11, 2011

Sci Lesson 11/7

Today, we went to the laboratory for our practical lessons. We were currently learning reflection of light and I was wondering, like what kind of experiment exactly are we using today. I went into the laboratory, with lots of questions and curiosity.
However, indeed, there's this transmeter ( I'm not sure how to spell) that actually contains a lightbulb and could show us the reflected rays with a mirror ! It was very cool and innovative. I was very engaged in today's lesson because I find the experiment and the equipment really nice and cool.
Today, I took away a few learning points too. I realised that one has to be extremely careful and precise when it comes to topics that involves measurement and angles. I made this mistake when I took makings on the wrong line, and my line ended up crooked. I also learned more about the reflection from a concave and convex mirror. In the previous lesson, our teacher just told us answers to the questions, but I realised I understand more visually, when i actually experiment with the concave and convex mirror in the laboratory. Overall, this lesson was really fun and fruitful !!

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