Monday, June 27, 2011

Sci Lesson 27/6

Today was the first day of school after the June Holidays. For science lesson, our teacher gave us a rough sketch of what are we going to do in this term and the topics we are going to cover. As this is the first day, our teacher decided to start off with something easy --- drawing. We start on the topic "Reflection" today and were taught how to draw rays on regular and irregular surfaces. Some of the things we learnt include: the angle i must always be similar to angle r, the normal line is always perpendicular to the surface and to differentiate the different rays using straight lines and dashes etc.
I find this lesson rather easy to understand and follow. The teacher is also very clear about the instructions. As we had already know the dates for our assignments and test, and it's still the first day of school where there is not much homework, I think it's good to make use of this time to plan ahead, especially when the online lessons are fully-independent. I will also read up ahead before actually attending science classes to prepare myself. This term will be stressful as there's alot of holidays and we have to really be independent and manage our own learning. My plan for this term is to finish my assignments as soon as possible (with effort too) and clarify my doubts once i'm done with my assignments. For online lesson, I will do the worksheets twice a week. As for the holidays, I will make full use of the time to revise the subjects tested. I have not done up to my expectations last term, and since today marks the start of a new term, let's start all over again and do my best for this term!!!

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