Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Reflection on my Term 2 test

For my Term 2 test, I had deproved from Term 1. I realised it's because I had become more ignorant since my Term 1's good results. As such, I did not focus as much and therefore, I deproved.
After looking at my test paper, I found my weak points. I am weak in practical quesitons, for example, asking you to form a chemical equation. I'm not as flexible and thus, I lost marks at this type of questions. However, practice makes perfect, therefore, I had tried out the practical questions in the textbook and also the practical worksheets.
For the MCQ, I tend to misunderstood the questions. For example, the alphabet 'S' in the compound XS stands for Sulphur, and i had misinterpret it to be just an unknown matter. I approach this matter byt he same way above, by practising and getting use to certain type of questions that may come out in the future. The June Holiday is also a very good time to practise and revise for Term 3.

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