Friday, August 19, 2011

Sci Lesson 19/8

For today's lesson, we went through the online worksheet lenses, and the teacher had also clarify with us the important points to take note of when drawing lenses.
First of all, there must be 3 rays present. The 1st ray will be parallel to the principal axis and pass through the focal point on the other side. The second ray will pass through the optical centre and go straight in that direction. Last but not least, the third ray will pass through the focal point and be parallel to the princpal axis on the other side. We had also learnt the different terms that will award us marks when answering questions regarding ray diagram for lenses, for example optical centre, principal axis, focal point, focal length and focal plane.
We had also learnt about the difference between long lenses and short lenses. For example, the image obtained from long lenses is diminished, inverted and real, whereas the image obtained form short lenses is magnified, upright and virtual. Today, I had learnt more on the topic lenses, and also went through some of the lenses questions. Through the questions, I had roughly know what will be the type of questions that will normally come out for lenses. Our teacher had also emphasis on us the importance of the terms when answering and also the drawing of ray diagrams.

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