Monday, August 15, 2011

Sci Lesson 15/8

Today, we had gone through practical 14, 15, and 16, which mainly covered lenses and lights. Before this lesson, I had actually read up on lenses and lights. However, I was just memorizing the facts and concepts, without really understanding it. After today’s demonstration and experiment by the teacher, I had seen for my own eyes and I had definitely understood more.

I had seen for myself when the lens had converged upon convex lens, and diverged upon concave lens. The teacher had also explained that the more curved the sides are, the shorter the focal length (the length measured from the screen /meeting point of the rays to the lens) will be. We had also done the experiment with prisms and we had made use of the prism to show that reflected rays and emergent rays can only be parallel when the surfaces they enter/leave are parallel too, such as using 2 prisms. Last but not least, we had also learnt about identifying which color of light bend the most/least and whether it travels the fastest/slowest. Apparently, the light ray that reveal the more color bends the most and is the slowest, and vice-versa.

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