Monday, August 1, 2011

Sci Lesson 1/8

Today, our teacher went through the reflection assignment 1 with us and also a quick recap on ecology and nutrient cycle for this Friday test. Though it was just a quick recap, it was really useful. I had been reminded a lot about ecology today, and I’m glad for this recap lesson today.

Some of the things that I had been reminded were to never ever include man in the food chain. The teacher had also remind us that we need not know examples that were out of our syllables, for example plants that we never heard before, as long as we had general knowledge of the different plants in different habitats will be fine. Such examples will be cactus in a dry environment and an orchid in an environment where the temperature is lower. Lastly, our teacher also reminded us the importance of keywords and phrases in our answers, phrases such as “angle of incidence equals to angle of reflection”.

After today’s recap lesson, I am more confident for the test. My questions were raised today too and I believe after this recap lesson, it would definitely assist our class overall results too. I really hope there would be such a similar recap lesson in future tests.

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